by Steve Watson at Summit News
Appearing on Fox News Tuesday night, Senator Rand Paul accused Democrats of politicising the mysterious attack on Paul Pelosi in order to ‘misdirect’ voters away from the state of the country ahead of the midterms.
“I think we should have some compassion for Paul Pelosi and not make anything about politics,” Paul noted, adding “But I see today and yesterday, all the left wing is doing, all the Democrats are doing, are trying to make this about politics.”
“I think it is a misdirection thing to get away from all of the things that they’re doing so terribly with the economy, with crime and everything else,” Paul further asserted.
The Senator urged that he hasn’t even seen much compassion from the left, noting “There’s an eagerness on the left to make this political and immediately to start blaming Republicans. But where’s the sympathy even from the left for Paul Pelosi?”
“I mean, I’m sure he’s suffering today. He’s been through this horrific assault, and nobody’s really talking about him because even the left is talking about making this political and blaming it on Republicans,” Paul proclaimed.
“I will tell you sincerely, I do want Paul Pelosi to make a speedy recovery. And I know what it’s like to go through the pain. And I know he’s in pain today. And I think we should see him as a human being,” Paul said, alluding to his own experience with being brutally attacked in 2017 by his own neighbour.
The Senator noted that at the time,…
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