by Patrick Byrne at DeepCapture
Vouching for Lindell’s data in a scientific or technical sense is beyond my circle of competence. What I can do is tell you about the people vouching to me for the data, whose word does cause me to incline firmly towards believing the data Lindell is bringing forward is genuine, then leave you to make your own decision.
In the book The Deep Rig, I spoke of an amorphous posse of “white hat hackers” with whom I rode trail from August 2020 until January 2021. They were volunteers with impressive backgrounds: one had quickly risen to an significant position at No Such Agency (its nickname before its existence was acknowledged publicly); several were CEOs or executives of tech and cyber firms; retired military officers including a colonel; a FEMA-orbit federal specialist in biowarfare; working network engineers and technical guys with certifications in matters forensic and an understanding of chain-of-custody and other matters that makes them capable of court-worthy work, and who were actively managing significant projects for law enforcement…. I met them as they came and went, and there were no slouches.
Among them there was another by whom they all were impressed and several awed. A quiet person, with a background completely unlike any one would expect in that field. “Weaponized Autism” was the moniker. Someone who had demonstrated excellence in other fields before turning to matters cyber. Not only certified but trained by the best, and becoming, all others seemed to agree, a case apart. “Gifted” was a word that some of the other cyber people used.
As we came to the end of our adventure together in the first week of January, there were still many active leads, narratives, and investigations going on. I gently nudged a few projects into the hands of different parties.
One recent lead had not been resolved, and it was a weird but major one. As weird as it was, it had been oddly difficult for the white hat hackers to disprove (and it should have been easy). It was so major that, if true, it would surely justify taking the kind of minimalist action explained in my book: under authorities previously signed by two Presidents (Obama & Trump), a group of federals would move in to conduct livestreamed recount and examination of ballots in six counties (the Problematic 6 where vote counting had stopped and which had been beset by other stark “irregularities”). Most would say that it would have justified more severe action than that, but that is the course that I would have maintained was proper. It had not been verified, however, and doing so would take some government help or it would take some time, but there were pieces of the story that could be checked and which did in fact hold together.
However (and this is a surprise to some), I had no way of getting the information to the President. Yes, on December 18 it is indeed true that I was part of a group of four that semi-crashed the White House, but It is not as though Trump and I were suddenly buddies. I had no way to get in touch with him (though I was besieged by people globally with messages for me to get him).
Weeks earlier I had met Mike Lindell once, in passing, if I recall correctly. And I remembered that Mike had a way of reaching President Trump.
I sent two white hat hackers (one of them being Weaponized Autism) to Mike Lindell, to bring him that lately-developed and weird-but-difficult-to-disprove lead. Other leads and investigative lines were distributed to other parties, but that special one went with Weaponized Autism (and another dolphin-speaker ) to Lindell. They more or less appeared on his doorstep with a preliminary assessment completed. And that preliminary assessment was that too much of it checked out for it to be ignored.
Days later Mike Lindell went in to see President Trump. That resulted in front page photographs.
There has been little communication between Lindell and me since then. We crossed paths once or twice, an office here, a conference there. A couple calls or texts. When we cross paths he jokes that he is managing the air-war (cyber) while I manage the ground game, but we don’t really need to keep in synch to stay cooperating. We are just both cooperating with truth, and letting truth take care of keeping us synchronized with each other.
On occasion Weaponized Autism and I check in. And Weaponized Autism, that white hat hacker whom the others admire so much, has been working with the data since January, and has had months to get to know data and its provenance, to decrypt it and run fingers and toes through it, to squirm around in the data like Scrooge McDuck in a vault of gold coins. And Weaponized Autism informs me, “There’s no way this is fake. I have been able to cross-check too much of it, to verify it from too many different directions, I have learned an entirely new language for the files in which this was constructed, I have checked too many of the….” As the months have ticked by increasing confidence has been shown, and in the last few weeks, certainty.
Mike Lindell has hired other cyber-sleuths to examine the information, and all have come away saying they cannot find evidence of it being fake.
This week Mike is running a cyber-symposium in South Dakota. He has invited cybersecurity professionals to come for the 3 day symposium. Mike is offer a $5 million bounty to anyone who can show that the data is fake.
I am sure that, given all the skeptics from the MSM, they are going to put their money where the big mouths are, and send teams of hackers up there to collect their $5 million.
Or not.
So now you know what I know. A bunch of smart former federal people of various flavors along…
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