by John Woods at American Thinker
As early voting results came in, the Oregon Secretary of State gave a small notice that 300 illegal voters had voted in the election. As time went on, the number of these illicit votes grew almost daily: 1200, 1800, 2500, until now, three weeks after the election, the count stands at over 62,500 and change. It appears that the Oregon Secretary of State will try to certify this election’s results. The Democrats now hold supermajorities in both the State House of Representatives and the State Senate, along with a Democrat governor, attorney general, and treasurer.
This is what you get when you have one-party rule for decades: you get cheating, corruption, arrogance, and citizens treated like peons.
If I could offer anything of value to those who think the convenience of mail-in voting is a good thing, it would be this: You have no safeguards for who can vote, who gets a ballot, and whether your vote counts or not. I would trade the ability to make out a ballot at home for going to a polling place, having to show an ID card, signing my name, and voting in person. Then, I would have some assurance that my vote counted.
Oregon is a total mess beyond belief;…
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