A rumor circulated widely that more people voted in Wisconsin than were registered. Although not true, it strikes me as an honest mistake. The originator of the rumor was looking at the registration numbers for 2018. More people did vote in Wisconsin in 2020 than were registered in 2018.
The real numbers are almost as incredible. In 2020, an astounding 88 percent of those registered to vote seem to have voted. In Ohio, another battleground state, the turnout was a much more typical 68 percent. The highest voter turnout in recent years nationwide was 61.6 percent in 2008. In 2012, the last year for which data are readily available for Wisconsin, the turnout was 65 percent.
If the Wisconsin average was 88 percent statewide, some parts of the state obviously had to have higher numbers. In this regard, the City of Milwaukee is suspect, and not all of Milwaukee, either. Contrary to expectation, in many of the wards with the heaviest concentration of black American voters, the turnout was relatively light. Joe Biden was no Barack Obama, but more on this in a minute.
As a caution, let me call this a work in progress. I am looking at a ward-by-ward spreadsheet that strikes me as a legitimate. Those who know Milwaukee better than I should feel free to contact me through American Thinker.
The most striking feature of the data is a fact that cries out for clarification: in seven wards, voter turnout appears to have exceeded 100 percent. In two of those wards, turnout exceeded 200 percent. In another 15 wards, voter turnout exceeded 95 percent. Joe Biden carried 21 of the 22 wards of the 95-plus-percent wards. But then again, he carried all but one of the 67 additional wards in which the turnout was above 90 percent and won 80 percent of the vote citywide…
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