Here. We. Go.
@realDonaldTrump tweeted our WI chart but now let’s go to Michigan. The key momentum shift happened on Wednesday morning at 6:31AM.
A batch of nearly 150K votes came in. 96% went for Biden
From our WI chart many people pointed to mail-in batches coming from Milwaukee. That may very well be the case… but I have no idea… there is no audit. All I have are the final numbers and HOW they changed over time.
Is there an equiv. in MI? Let me know.
Here’s another view of the Michigan data.
The arching lines are the total cumulative vote adding up for the candidates Tues-Weds.
The arching lines are the total cumulative vote adding up for the candidates Tues-Weds.
Notice the normal jump when a batch comes in for 57% Biden and the ABNORMAL jump when in comes in 96% for Biden at that 6:31 AM mark.
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