by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
Our dear friend Sharon always reminds us, “those whose motives are based on deception, will always find an audience wiling to be deceived.” That, my friends, is the current status of the republican party watchers and one of the primary reasons this little corner of the internet, The Last Refuge, was formed.
We accept things as they are, not as we would wish them to be and never as we would pretend them to be. Pretending is an endless quest akin to convincing. Those who operate in the world of political pretense expend an exhaustive amount of energy in constant vigilance against those who speak plain truths.
The House of Representatives has adjourned until 10pm tonight, when another vote will be taken, as outlined by the design of the Kevin McCarthy supporters.
Why adjourn? Why return at 10:00pm on a Friday evening? Simply, because the McCarthy team is counting on several House members (mostly Democrats) not being in attendance for the quorum, facilitating a lower threshold of the vote to achieve a majority.
435/434 members present = 218 votes needed
433/432 members present = 217 votes needed
431/430 members present = 216 votes needed
429/428 members present = 215 votes needed
(Washington DC) – […] McCarthy got an additional jolt of energy on the 13th ballot when Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.), another previous opponent, also flipped to support him. He still fell short of the necessary majority of those voting present, however, with six GOP members remaining in the no camp.
Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), a moderate and key McCarthy ally, said the chamber hoped to adjourn after the thirteenth ballot to allow allies of the California Republican to sit down one-on-one with his remaining dissenters. As to whether their opposition comes down to McCarthy himself, he said: “We’re gonna find that out.”
And lawmakers then followed suit, voting to adjourn the chamber until 10 p.m. That will tee up a potentially decisive ballot late Friday night.
McCarthy, speaking to the press, said he would have the votes needed for election when it came back into session. (more)
Video at 01:27:…
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