by Helen Tansey at T-Room.us
Several of President Trump’s key cabinet nominee’s are going through the painful gauntlet of Senate Confirmation hearings beginning this week. We are highlighting Trump’s nominees who will serve in his cabinet.
Next up is Trump’s nominee to serve as Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protectiion, Lee M Zeldin
Here’s Zeldin’s bio:
Lee Zeldin was born in East Meadow and grew up in Suffolk County, New York. He graduated from William Floyd High School in Mastic Beach. He earned his bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York at Albany and then his law degree at the age of 23 from Albany Law School, becoming New York’s youngest attorney at the time.
Zeldin spent four years on Active Duty with the U.S. Army and served in different capacities including as a Military Intelligence Officer, Federal Prosecutor and Military Magistrate. In the summer of 2006, while assigned to the Army’s elite 82nd Airborne Division, Zeldin deployed to Iraq with an infantry battalion of fellow paratroopers in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
In 2007, Zeldin returned to Suffolk County with his family. It was at this time, he transitioned from Active Duty to the Army Reserves, where he currently serves with the rank of Major. He then established a successful law practice in 2008 and ran unsuccessfully for a seat in Congress. Two years later, he won a seat in the State Senate.
Zeldin successfully fought to repeal the MTA Payroll Tax for 80 percent of employers. This was a job killing tax that was hurting small businesses. He also successfully repealed the Saltwater fishing License Fee and secured funding for the PFC Joseph Dwyer Program, a statewide program to help our returning veterans cope with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). He sponsored legislation to enact the nation’s strongest property tax cap and also helped reduce middle income tax rates to the lowest level in 60 years. Zeldin also wrote the law that protects our fallen veterans and their families from protests at military burials.
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Watch Zeldin’s opening statement before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee:
Watch full hearing –