by Michael Shellenberger at X via PUBLIC.news
Democratic presidential nominee, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris arrives to deliver remarks before departing the vice president’s residence on October 23, 2024 in Washington, DC. Harris spoke on former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly’s recent comments on former U.S. President Donald Trump, including that he fits “into the general definition of fascist” and wanted the “kind of generals Hitler had”, in a series of interviews published Tuesday. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)
Trump is a fascist who sells out America, says Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris in a new advertisement released yesterday. “John Kelly, a four star Marine general, has told us Trump said, ‘Why aren’t my generals like those of Hitler’s?’” Harris says over images that look like a Republican is holding up a Nazi salute to Trump. “He admires dictators.”
The ad comes on heels of what was ostensibly a new revelation of what Trump said to Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, in a major piece called, “TRUMP: ‘I NEED THE KIND OF GENERALS THAT HITLER HAD,” by The Atlantic magazine’s Editor-in-Chief, Jeffrey Goldberg.
But Goldberg’s revelation wasn’t new. On August 8, 2022, the Washington Post published a story headlined, “Trump wanted ‘totally loyal’ generals like Hitler’s, new book says.” Journalist Amy Wang wrote a near-identical article to the one that Goldberg wrote.
“President Donald Trump once told a top adviser that he wanted ‘totally loyal’ generals like the ones who had served Adolf Hitler,” reported Wang, “unaware that some of Hitler’s generals had tried to assassinate the Nazi leader several times, according to a new book about the Trump presidency.”
Both the Goldberg story and the two-year-old Wang piece were based…
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