“President-elect” Joe Biden accidentally gave away the plot during a recent interview with the fake news leader, CNN.
Biden took easy questions from propagandist Jake Tapper while sitting next to his vice presidential choice Kamala Harris where he gaffed once again by accidentally telling the truth.
“But all kidding aside,” Biden said, “it’s a matter of, the thing we are sympatico on our philosophy of government and sympatico on how we want to…approach these issues that we’re facing.”
It was at this point that Biden started to go off the rails and explain how he is not going to be a actual president, as an aggrieved Harris was forced to bite her tongue.
“When we disagree, so far, it’s just like when Barack and I did. It’s in private. She will say, “I think we should do A, B, C, or D.” And I’ll say, “I like A, I don’t like B and C.” And it’s okay, and like I told Barack, if I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign,” he said.
Biden continued to sputter from there.
“We don’t have, that I’m aware of, we haven’t, and we discussed at length our views on foreign policy, on domestic policy, on intelligence, and the great thing she has a background in the Senate on the intelligence, in the intelligence committee. She has a background in the Senate on a whole range of things that will be pertinent on what we have to do,” he said.
“But it’s going to be, I think, so much is going to be incoming, Jake. It’s a matter about who, who, who takes what when,” Biden added.
The entire embarrassing clip can be seen here:…
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