by Lawrence Sellin at The Gateway Pundit
November 3, 2020 was not an election. It was a coup executed by U.S. citizens, who are not Americans, aided and abetted by international financiers and hostile foreign powers.
Yes, there is now a clear distinction between Americans and those who simply possess U.S. citizenship.
Many of the latter are now in the process of destroying the United States of America from within.
If the usurpers are allowed to continue implementing their destructive policies, there will never again be a free and fair election in this country.
The 2020 election was stolen through massive and coordinated fraud by people who hate America.
It was an illegal seizure of power to create a permanent leftist, one-party, totalitarian state similar to that of their sponsor, the transnational criminal organization, the Chinese Communist Party.
Do not expect the current Republican Party to save the country.
They have already meekly capitulated to the coup plotters and will eventually follow the path of the Provisional Government of the 1917 Russian Revolution, which was forcibly crushed by the Communists.
There is no better recent example of Republican capitulation than Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL), who underwent a “struggle session” imposed on national television by CNN, part of the Biden regime’s Ministry of Propaganda.
It was a sad, but highly revealing moment, which can be viewed here, starting at 0:45 through 2:17.
A “struggle session” is a form of public humiliation used by the Chinese Communist Party to shape public opinion, where an individual is forced to admit perceived “crimes” before a crowd of people.
Rep. Waltz’s potential crime was that he may not have accepted Joe Biden as president.
CNN’s demand to which Rep. Waltz eventually caved was “American voters fairly and squarely put Joe Biden in the White House.”
Remember, Rep. Waltz was a U.S. Army National Guard Special Forces officer, who served in Afghanistan.
If even he was too intimidated to state the obvious, that Biden is an illegitimate president, what can any patriotic American expect from a Republican Party that never opposes any Democrat excesses?…
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