This is a bit of a longer update, because it is the update I skipped yesterday rolled in with today’s.
I don’t want to speak prematurely, but I think the tide is turning for us this week. We are behind the eight ball, certainly. We should have felt this shift at least a week ago, but it’s not too late if we accelerate and build the momentum that I think is breaking our way. So, what’s been shifting positively?
Today GOP members of the Pennsylvania legislature held a very lengthy hearing at a hotel in Gettysburg. Multiple witnesses testified to election fraud and illegality. Trump attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis were there to answer questions, and the President himself—who had been scheduled to appear in person—phoned in to provide his own input.
The benefit of this hearing is two-fold.
First, it starts to get the evidence of fraud out to the American people. Americans need to hear what actually happened in this election, and demand for election integrity has to grow in volume. As national outrage builds, our chances of pulling this win back will increase.
Second, the hearing begins to prime the legislature to act, if necessary. It is the legislature’s duty (in PA and around the country) to guard against “cabal, intrigue, and corruption” in the selection of the President of the United States. If there was intrigue and corruption at play in these various states—as the evidence strongly suggests there was—and the vote of the people has been tainted beyond repair, it is the duty of the legislatures to step in and choose their own electors.
I do worry that these hearings could turn into the same type of performative hearings we get from the U.S. House and Senate, that provide political theater and PR for campaign spots, but do little substantively. We have to provide the support and pressure to make sure the legislatures follow through with action, if necessary.
Meanwhile on the legal front, even though the Pennsylvania Board of Canvassers voted to certify the election results, a Pennsylvania judge enjoined any final actions necessary to perfect (i.e. finalize) that certification, pending an evidentiary hearing. She has scheduled the hearing for the 27th. Hopefully those attorneys are on the ball and ready with an avalanche of evidence.
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