Here’s President Trump’s biggest problem at this point, as I see it–Joe Biden must have made a deal with the GOP to sabotage President Donald Trump and his supporters prior to the 2020 Election.
This theory would explain why House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi felt confident enough after tearing up President Trump’s State of the Union on national television to declare in July that “whether he knows it yet or not,” President Trump would be leaving the White House, “one way or another,” even if he “has to be fumigated.”
Significantly, Pelosi wasn’t sanctioned in any way by the GOP.
It would also explain Joe Biden’s threat to use military force to remove President Trump when he declared: “I’m absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.”And when he said:”…the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.”
As mentioned in an earlier blog post, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has apparently been outed by Joe Biden as his secret admirer in a New York Times interview with Thomas Friedman.
‘There are a number of things that when McConnell controlled the Senate that people said couldn’t get done, and I was able to get them done with [him]…I think there are trade-offs, that not all compromise is walking away from principle,’ Biden added, ‘He knows me, I know him. I don’t ask him to embarrass himself to make a deal.'”
Unfortunately, it appears to be the most reasonable explanation for the current Constitutional crisis facing America.
There could be no other reason, for example, that the Georgia GOP wouldn’t fight for President Trump, or why the Pennsylvania GOP wouldn’t call an emergency session of the state legislature to help him.
Or why Chief Justice Roberts allowed Pennsylvania’s obviously crooked election procedures to go forward.
Prominent Republicans are acting suspiciously like paid stooges taking dives in a fixed boxing match.
Likewise, the failure of GOP Senators, Congressmen and prominent Cabinet officials like Attorney General Bill Barr to “do their jobs.”
I heard Sean Hannity say on air yesterday that he was “fed up with the Republican Party.”
He won’t be alone if the GOP dumps President Trump, as they appear to be doing.
Republicans need to realize that their do-nothing strategy will harm their Party as well as their country and the American People.
The Democratic Party sabotaged a Presidential election to overturn the will of the American People. Overturning a fraud isn’t a bad thing to do–it is a necessary thing to do.
If the Republicans continue throw this fight, I’d worry about the Democrats next outlawing the GOP as a “white supremacist” hate group, and demanding they be banned from the pubic square, just like they’re getting banned from social media–and just like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt are being purged and the American Flag and National Anthem are being banned.
A party that is willing to hold up the Coronavirus vaccine or financial relief, to free infected criminals and place infected patients in nursing homes, to encourage vandalism and riots in hundreds of cities, to burn churches, desecrate synagogues and destroy businesses, and so on–has clearly demonstrated they will stop at nothing.