The T-Room here: My niece lives in Charlottesville, Virginia. She supported the organizers who put the rally together to remove the Robert E Lee statue from a local park. I’m confident, she nor any of the organizers could have ever imagined that their rally was going to become an international spectacle. It did. That said, my niece is one of the ‘very fine people’ President Trump referred to when making the remarks he made on that day. Carrying forward this lie fomented by the ‘bubble’ media, and now Biden, does not serve the interests of the very fine citizens who chose to rally that day for a cause they not only believe in, but for a cause they have every right to rally on behalf of. This contrived canard needs to end because it betrays the good citizens of Virginia who attended the rally and the dear young woman who lost her life – she too came out to support her fellow C’ville citizens…
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CLAIM: Joe Biden said (again) that President Donald Trump called neo-Nazis in Charlottesville ‘very fine people.’
VERDICT: FALSE. Trump said the neo-nazis should be ‘condemned totally.’ Biden knows he is lying about this.
Former Vice President Joe Biden repeated the “very fine people” hoax in accepting the Democratic Party nomination in a speech to the Democratic National Convention (DNC), repeating his lines from last week, almost word for word
Remember seeing those neo-Nazis and white supremacists, coming out of fields spewing the same antisemitic bile heard across Europe in the ’30s. Remember the violent clash that ensued between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it. And remember what the president said when asked? He said there were, quote, very fine people on both sides. That was a wake up call for us as a country and for me a call to action.
Biden has used the “very fine people hoax” since the very start of his campaign, even claiming that it motivated him to run. And he repeated it in the most important speech of this campaign thus far.
But the “very fine people” hoax remains a lie.
Breitbart News has fact-checked Biden’s use of this hoax almost every time he has used it — even confronting him directly at the Iowa State Fair last year…
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