According to the media’s general judgment, 2020 U.S. voters are most concerned with purportedly complex issues of crime and justice. Voters should place no trust in this. This same media forbade itself to investigate a simple, yet objectively historic corruption scandal of national interest.
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has almost certainly committed the most extensive spree of felonies by a congressperson in U.S. history. As a criminal, she also appears to be historically inept. Scores of verified items of evidence against her are in the public record. Omar has never challenged their authenticity and has never produced a single piece of evidence to support her version of events.
She faces a primary on Tuesday. She again won her party’s endorsement. She again won House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s endorsement — and her funding.
The mainstream media judges this remarkable situation to be irrelevant to Minnesota voters, let alone the dominant concern. Editorial malpractice on issues of crime, justice, and the 2020 election spreads everywhere this summer; by no coincidence, the spread can be traced to irresponsible media coverage of a deadly riot in Rep. Omar’s district.
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