More than 400 Republican voters in Pennsylvania say they requested mail-in ballots and returned them to vote, but the state absentee voting data say the ballots weren’t returned, according to a fraud detection team that contacted the voters.
And more than 500 voters said they received mail-in ballots despite not requesting them, according to the team.
The team was put together by Matt Braynard, former data and strategy director for President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign. The team analyzed the data and set up a call center to verify election inconsistencies in several states, including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, where the Trump campaign is contesting the results.
Of the “many thousands” called, the team managed to reach 1,706 Pennsylvania registered Republican voters who, according to the state data, received mail-in ballots, Braynard said in a Nov. 16 series of tweets and later in an email to The Epoch Times.
Nearly a third of the voters (556) said they never requested the ballot.
Of the 1,137 who did request a ballot, nearly 40 percent (453) said they mailed the ballots back, but the state data show the ballots weren’t received or counted, Braynard said.
If the results are representative of the whole state, they could throw into question the election result.
Some 165,000 Pennsylvania Republicans were mailed ballots but weren’t marked as having returned them, Braynard said…
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