And so, the party of the Resistance has completed its solemn four day confab of info-ceremonials and sent forth its Primero Ingenioso Hidalgo, Joe Biden, on his limping horse of platitudes, armored by news media hosannahs, a saintly woman-of-color at his side to assist, tilting onward with his lance of moral instruction to bring love, hope and light to a world darkened by the shadow of MAGA-Diablo, Trump-the-Terrible. Plus, Joe promised to stop Covid-19 and cure cancer.
The convention organizers contrived a schedule Thursday night that did not put Mr. Biden before the cameras until eleven o’clock, preceded by a cavalcade of his former primary election rivals and family members pouring on soporific encomiums to a tinkly-treacly musical sound-track — aiming, apparently, to lull as many viewers as possible to sleep before the speech. But finally, the candidate appeared out of the studio mists, and acquitted himself ably reading from the jumbotron teleprompter, while his handlers cringed off-stage in little pools of flop-sweat.
The speech itself was wholly an invocation of righteousness in opposition to the manifest evil as represented by the current occupant of the White House. The question is: how many voters actually believe that when the party of the Resistance tacitly supports mobs looting, shooting, and burning across the land? Earlier that day, the Terrible Trump sallied forth diabolically to Joe Biden’s place of birth, Scranton, PA, where he inveighed against “the crazy people on the other side.”…
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