It was widely reported by media and independent observers that Fulton County, Georgia, election officials asked everyone to exit the State Farm Arena on election night at approximately 10:00pm; however, a selected group of election workers remained and conducted sketchy ballot tabulation after observers left. A complaint was filed with the Georgia Secretary of State.
In a short, albeit obtuse, affidavit filed today in advance of election litigation, Chief Investigator Frances Watson simultaneously highlights the evidence seems to support the claims of fraud and manipulation, but also says it doesn’t. [pdf link]
The widely reported “water main” break excuse was actually nothing to do with the widely reported late-evening request to exit the arena. In essence this part of the affidavit validates the water main lie was false. It was a lie told to media by someone for some unknown purpose. But this affidavit gets even more sketchy…
According to Frances Watson workers were “not asked to leave” yet simultaneously they thought “they were done for the night and were closing up and ready to leave.”
Where did the workers, poll watchers and media, get that idea to leave and they were finished if they were not “asked to leave”? Why did they clean up and prepare to exit along with media and poll watchers if they didn’t expect to leave. It doesn’t make sense.
If anything, the actual behavior of the workers outlined in the affidavit supports the claims within the complaint, and the CCTV video. However, the “chief investigator” simply ignores the key part of the behavior and instead says the investigation “remains open.”…
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