by Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit
General Michael Flynn and Patrick Byrne joined Steel Truth podcast with Patrick Byrne earlier this week. During the discussion, the host, Ann Vandersteel, suggested that there may be a false flag event coming soon to take the attention away from the soon-to-be-released results from the Arizona Audit. The Marxist horde will need a shiny object to occupy the public’s attention when the truth explodes from Arizona on the fraud in the 2020 election.
General Michael Flynn: Yeah, there is going to be something that is going to happen and I’m afraid that what it’s going to do is it’s going to further divide the country. It’s not going to be as dramatic as something you’re talking about with 9-11 and the stupidity, and this nonsense of UFOs and this apocalyptic crap is such garbage. People need to face reality. We need to face reality. They are going to continue to go after Donald Trump. OK? They’re going to continue to go after Donald Trump. And I’m glad to see the president finally getting out and doing rallies. He’s going to be doing one in Sarasota here on the 4th of July. I think he’s going to up in Ohio on Saturday. So he’s going to get back out and he’s going to light the world on fire. Because I know they are going to go after him. And whenever they go after him it’s never pretty. It’s going to be ugly and that creates a lot of media attraction and everybody has to cover it. What does it mean? What is it going to do? And it keeps everybody off of the election fraud. As I said at the beginning of the show, now repeat after me, the 2020 presidential election was stolen. There is no doubt in my mind anymore. There is none… And the truth will continue to come out. Something is going to happen. I don’t think we’re going to have to wait until the end of summer. I think it’s going to happen here fairly soon…because they must create noise prior to the Arizona audit starting to really bubble out. They are gonna have to do something.
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