by Rebecca Downs at Townhall
As Townhall has been covering, Vice President Kamala Harris has been ramping up her attacks against former and potentially future President Donald Trump, repeatedly referring to him as a “fascist” and comparing him to Adolf Hitler. This comes even as Trump has been the target of multiple assassination attempts, as House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) reminded Harris.
A press release began by mentioning that such a statement from the Republican leaders was in response to comments that Harris made during her CNN town hall event on Wednesday night.
The statement also referenced Harris own words from back in September, when there was a second attempt on Trump’s life. “Vice President Harris acknowledged that ‘we all must do our part to ensure that this incident does not lead to more violence,'” the Republican leaders’ statement reminded.
And yet such words could hardly sound more useless coming from her. “These words have proven hollow. In the weeks since that second sobering reminder, the Democratic nominee for President of the United States has only fanned the flames beneath a boiling cauldron of political animus. Her most recent and most reckless invocations of the darkest evil of the 20th century seem to dare it to boil over. The Vice President’s words more closely resemble those of President Trump’s second would-be assassin than her own earlier appeal to civility,” the statement continued.
Even more chilling is the reminder…
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