by Bryan Dean Wright
As Democrats whip up a political circus in Washington DC with the second impeachment of former President Donald Trump, they’re focusing the nation’s attention on the rhetoric that they allege incited violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Yet for those of us paying attention, we see through the absurdity.
It is the Left that is overwhelmingly responsible for the political violence and destruction that is hammering our great nation.
For years, Democrats like me have watched with increasing alarm as our own political leaders and activists – from Speaker Nancy Pelosi to media outlets like MSNBC – have used an endless stream of hateful, violent and ultimately un-American rhetoric that has resulted in billions of dollars in economic damage and given birth to a violent national movement.
Some of the earliest hatred coming from the party was out of the mouth of “Squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar in 2019. Not once but twice did she use anti-Semitic smears that for generations have been used to marginalize Jewish people.
But rather than condemn her vitriol and strip her of her committee assignments, Democrats in the House – from Speaker Pelosi on down – chose a toothless resolution that broadly condemned hatred and avoided any mention of Omar herself. Of course, Omar is not alone in her bigotry. Sadly, there are other examples of it flowing throughout the base of the Democrat Party, suggesting that the bigotry is systemic.
Consider the campaign of now-Vice President Kamala Harris.
When she was asked why Democrat primary voters failed to support her presidential bid, she gave voice to an uncomfortable truth.
“The elephant in the room about my campaign,” she explained, was that her party was not ready “for a woman and a woman of color to be president of the United States.”
Vice President Harris was right, of course. Democrat primary voters were too bigoted and hateful to support a woman of color for president, just as they were too bigoted and hateful to support another minority: Pete Buttigieg.
Democrat primary voters in South Carolina put an end to the presidential bid of the openly gay man because he was a sexual minority. An internal memo from the Buttigieg campaign itself confirmed that many black Democrats in the Palmetto State simply would not support a gay candidate.
Later, Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) admitted as much, saying there’s “no question” that Buttigieg’s sexual orientation is “an issue.”
In short, Democrats may blast others for bigotry but, unquestionably, it is they who peddle deeply and strategically in the stuff.
Not surprisingly, the systemic hatred that pulses through the modern Left has inflamed profound political divisions and the predictable outcomes that come with them, most especially violence and destruction. The most egregious example came in the summer of 2020, with Leftist race riots that cost upwards of $2 billion in damages. As the fires raged, property vandalized, and lives destroyed, Speaker Pelosi responded to her party’s violent mobs not with condemnation but not-so-subtle encouragement.
“People will do what they do,” she said to the destruction of a statue of Christopher Columbus.
Meanwhile, the aforementioned Rep. Omar…
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