by Jay Greenberg at NeonNettle
Rapper Lord Jamar has slammed Black Lives Matter, saying he doesn’t support the group because it “isn’t our movement… it was given to us by… George Soros.”
The 51-year-old music star, who started hip-hip group Brand Nubian in 1989, was asked during a recent interview with Turning Point USA whether he supports the BLM protests, to which he responded: “No. Absolutely not.”
When asked to elaborate on why he doesn’t support the group, Lord Jamar said:
“Because this isn’t our movement.
“It’s a movement that was given to us by, you know, George Soros and his f**king boys.
“Because they saw how things were going and they didn’t want it to go back to the 60s – to where we start having our own, organic movement.”

“That was a big f**king problem for them,” the rapper explains.
“‘So let’s give the people a movement that we can control – we’ll provide them the leaders…’ and all this type of s**t,” he says of the motivation behind controlling such a campaign.
“Yeah, that’s what Black Lives Matter is,” Jamar adds.
“Look at the leaders of Black Lives Matter.”
The interviewer goes on to state that Soros has funneled “100 million dollars” into Black Lives Matter.
“This is control money,” Lamar replies.
“This is about ‘let us give you a movement that we can control and use symbolism from the original civil rights movement – like the red, black and green, and all these different symbols – and we’re gonna incorporate that, but only it’s gonna be a movement that we control, we decide what the messages are, we decide what the slogans are…’
“You know, what happened to ‘no justice, no peace’?
“Now it’s ‘hand up, don’t shoot’ and ‘I can’t breath’ and all these negative afromations that you know… who made that s**t up?”

Lord Jamar’s comments come as links have now emerged between leftist billionaire Soros and the “defund the police” movement that has dominated the racism debate following the death of George Floyd…
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