An eyewitness told The Kyle Olson Show that as many as 20,000 unverified absentee ballots in Detroit were fed through machines and counted during the August 4 primary.
In a segment released exclusively to Breitbart News before airing on Saturday, Michigan Republican Party-appointed poll challenger Bob Cushman said it was chaotic while absentee ballots were being counted in downtown on primary night in Detroit, a city known for voting heavily Democrat.
Cushman said he is concerned about election integrity and signed up to be an observer.
He noted that a car with Ohio license plates was driven into the large facility. Cushman said he did not know what the purpose was, but he suspected “that car was somebody that was delivering ballots. It just seemed a little odd.”
In an affidavit, Cushman recounted several counting tables “had opened ballots with no poll book” to check to see if the individual was authorized to cast that ballot.
That is significant, he said, because the poll book is used to ensure “that name is someone that’s a qualified, real voter.”
In another instance, he “noticed pages being inserted into several poll books.”
According to Cushman, some workers left early as the day dragged into the night.
Polls closed at 8:00 p.m., but Cushman observed at 12:37 a.m. that “the threat was made that the $100 bonus that had been promised earlier (over the public address system) would not be paid.”
Cushman said in his affidavit that an order was made around 2:00 a.m. to open the remaining ballots “for immediate tabulation without additional processing or notation.”…
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