by Heidi Ganahl at Rocky Mountain Voice
During my run as the GOP Nominee for Governor in 2022, I talked to voters across
Colorado that didn’t trust our elections. 25% of Republicans didn’t vote. After the race, I
decided to dig in and see if I could find a way to restore trust for voters in the process.
A month ago, I held a press conference to announce the results of that two-year
investigation backed by a dedicated team of researchers. We reported that we found
shocking gaps in our so-called “gold standard” elections. Watch it here.
Over 20 well-coordinated media pieces against me were published after that, with
various politicians and their paid “experts” spouting prepared statements and similar
talking points, calling me a conspiracy theorist and “reckless.”
They hoped their coordinated efforts would bury the truth, instead it backfired and
exposed much more. In fact, it exposed how “reckless” some leaders of our elections
have been in Colorado.
And, it’s not just Jena Griswold’s leak of 600 passwords, it’s the gaslighting that goes
with it. It’s time to tell Colorado voters the truth about our elections so we can fix what’s
broken and trust our vote again.
Since our press conference last month, we’ve learned the following:…
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