The firm’s involvement with Chinese Communist Party-linked companies and employment of former party apparatchiks appear to present a conflict of interest in light of U.S. officials recently revealing the Chinese Communist Party is keen on securing a victory for Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden, a sentiment echoed by Chinese state-run media.
Through groups like the Transition Integrity Project, which also retains links to the Chinese Communist Party, mainstream media journalists, Democratic strategists and officials, and prominent “Never Trumpers” have peddled the narrative that President Trump will refuse to concede the election should he lose. They’ve also noted, however, that if President Trumps win an “incredible victory” on election night, in the following days, mail-in ballots will trickle in that reverse the outcome in favor of Biden.
And Ginsberg, former national counsel to the Bush-Cheney presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004, appears to be another token Republican vital to the pro-Biden establishment’s quest to fix the 2020 election.
Ginsberg appeared on CNN to discuss his latest Washington Post op-ed “Republicans have insufficient evidence to call elections ‘rigged’ and ‘fraudulent’.” where he invokes his decades of legal experience to debunk and attack President Trump’s valid concerns over the integrity of the 2020 election.
"[There's] no widespread fraud."
Benjamin Ginsberg, a top GOP election lawyer who has represented four Republican presidential candidates, slammed Pres. Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud. "If you're going to make charges about the elections, you have to have some proof." pic.twitter.com/Homb1sNmR2
— OutFrontCNN (@OutFrontCNN) September 10, 2020
Jones Day has provided representation to Huawei, a technology company labeled a “national security threat” by the Trump administration and a Chinese military collaborator by the Department of Defense (DOD) that routinely provides the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) backdoor access to its products and networks and devices…
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