by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
Simon Campbell, a resident of the Pennsbury School District in Bucks County Pennsylvania confronts the school board in an epic confrontation of their brutal censorship. Not only does Mr. Campbell bring the righteous indignation, he also brings the citations, documents and receipts; including the board’s own internal communication.
Campbell later uploaded this speech to his YouTube channel with citations to all of the documents he reviewed [SEE HERE]. Mr. Campbell is well versed in the subject matter at hand, well prepared for the confrontation, and rather eloquent in his argument. ENJOY: [Prompted to 01:51]
♦ Pennsbury’s Director of Equity, Diversity & Education, Dr. Cherissa Gibson, in an email dated March 20, 2021 at 2:20pm to Superintendent Gretzula and School Board President Toy-Dragoni, released under the Right-to-Know-Law, is seen promoting a government agenda of censoring public comment with which she disagrees. {Source}
♦ Pennsbury School Board President, Christine Toy-Dragoni, gleefully tells the public she will go along with the censorship agenda of Dr. Gibson {Source}…
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