by Simplicius at Simplicius the Thinker
Some post-election thoughts are due.
Firstly, I’d like to announce the most recent paywalled article has now been opened up to the public on this occasion:
I encourage you to read it particularly because the prediction set out in the opening of it has proven accurate thus far, insofar as Trump winning and causing a tangible realignment and soul-searching on the Left, so the remaining prognoses may have a special resonance.
But I’d like to point you to a couple of the biggest takeaways from the election result. Here is my biggest of all:
The election proved one thing: the ‘Deep State’ and hidden hostile powers known as the ‘Globalists’ that scheme behind the scenes and secretly run the country are not all-powerful. They can clearly be defeated when the people are fed-up enough.
In this election cycle they tried virtually everything, and none of their previous methods were enough to rig and steal the election for their candidate. From alleged cases of electronic vote machine rigging via machine ‘anomalies’, to ballot harvesting, false polls and surveys, rigged search results on Google and elsewhere, to the big one: mass illegal migrant invasion meant to install a permanent Democrat voting regime in perpetuity. None of it worked, and Trump still won in a massive Republican landslide. Republicans won the Senate and as of this writing are on the way to winning the House as well, with multiple seats flipped in each. The Republican side controlling every branch of government could give Trump carte blanche power to do a great deal of the house-cleaning he promised:

The other huge elephant in the room exposed by this election is the now undeniable, irrevocable fact that 2020 was infact stolen:

That’s right, here are the Democrat total vote count figures for the last six elections:
2004 Kerry – 59M
2008 Obama – 69.5M
2012 Obama – 65.9M
2016 Clinton – 65.9M
2020 Biden – 81.3M
2024 Harris – 66.4M
Notice anything?
Obama’s first victory was a grand, ‘transformative’ national awakening—even Republicans must admit that pivotal 2008 campaign was ‘special’ and Obama brought a new kind of energy and influence, a cultural shift signified by the now-famous “Hope” poster which captured a kind of historic zeitgeist:…
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