by Kag Drogo at KADROGO’s Newsletter
By now many people have heard about Eugene Yu, the CEO of Konnech, who was arrested on conspiracy charges and for sending sensitive U.S. election data to the Chinese government. At this point, Eugene Yu’s connection to the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese government has been well documented, proven and established. What isn’t as widely known yet are the circumstances in Michigan which appear to have paved the way for such a blatant act of alleged espionage to take place right under our noses.
When Eugene Yu was expanding Konnech’s reach out of Michigan to “thousands of election offices across North America,” an organization, called the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), funded Konnech to lease an entire floor at Michigan State University (MSU). To do so, the MEDC awarded Konnech a grant of $306,000, which was more than half of the $500,000 they claim to give out annually.
You may be asking yourself: Why Michigan State University? What interest would a company connected to the Chinese Communist Party have to lease an entire floor at MSU? One indication might be found in the fact that the MSU chapter of the Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA), celebrates the communist takeover of China, otherwise known as “National Day.”

MSU’s CSSA hosts events with the Consul General for the People’s Republic of China in Chicago, Hong Lei, as a featured speaker. (Lei is also the former Spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry.)

Hong Lei’s lecture at MSU was even hosted by the Confucius Institute.
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