On Monday, as the members of the Electoral College were convening at statehouses around the nation to cast their vote for the next president of the United States, an interesting side drama was taking place in Austin, Texas, as the Texas electors convened to vote for the man who should be president.
After the votes were cast, Mark Ramsey, who is the elector from Texas’s 10th Congressional District, introduced a resolution:
Whereas, the members of the presidential electoral college from Texas condemn the moral cowardice of the United States Supreme Court, in failing to accept the original jurisdiction of a suit by one state against another, be it resolved that the members of the presidential electoral college from Texas call on the state legislatures of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Michigan, to convene and appoint their electors in accordance with the true constitutional vote of the people, or if undeterminable, by appointing their electors directly.
What happened next is fascinating. Matt Patrick representing the 32d Congressional District spoke in favor of the motion.
“I don’t give a #@&^ about ‘Bush v. Gore’… at that time we didn’t have RIOTS!”
A staffer “heard *SCREAMING* through the walls as Justice Roberts & other liberal Justices were insisting this case *NOT* be taken up…”
Wonder why Texas’ case was dropped? Here’s why: pic.twitter.com/rCpf5vwqSQ
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) December 17, 2020
“It was written by someone who was a current staffer for one of the current Supreme Court justices. I’ll just describe for you the report that I read, and you can make of it what you will. He said that the justices, as they always do, went into a closed room to discuss cases they are taking or do debate; there’s no phones, no computers, no nothing. No one else is in the room except for the nine justices. It’s typically very civil; they usually don’t hear any sound; they just debate what they are doing. But when the Texas case was brought up, he said he heard screaming through the walls as Justice Roberts and the other liberal justices were insisting that this case not be taken up. The reason…the words that were heard through the wall when Justice Thomas and Justice Alito were citing Bush vs. Gore, from John Roberts were “I don’t give a…about that case, I don’t want to hear about it. At that time, we didn’t have riots.”
“So what he was saying was that he was afraid of what would happen if they did the right thing. And I’m sorry, but that is moral cowardice. And we in the SREC (note, this is the State Republican Executive Committee), and I am an SREC member, we put those words in there very specifically. Because the charge of the Supreme Court is to ultimately be our final arbitrator, our final line of defense for right and wrong, and they did not do their duty. So I think we should leave these words in because I want to send a strong message to them.”
In the end, the moral cowardice charge was dropped because the feeling was that this might hurt any other cases on the subject coming before the Supreme Court.
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