by Breccan F Thies at the Federalist
Amid the death and destruction Hurricane Helene wrought in western North Carolina, voters in the emergency-declaration region showed up to help carry the state for President-Elect Donald Trump, outdoing their performance in 2020.
Americans watched aghast as slow-rolled responses from Democrat leaders, including from the Biden-Harris Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), appeared to be negligent and had many wondering if state and federal leadership were trying to suppress the vote from the deep-red region of North Carolina.
“North Carolina voters, particularly in our western counties, overcame the challenges brought by Hurricane Helene to deliver a resounding victory for President Trump,” Jim Womack, president of the North Carolina Election Integrity Team (NCEIT), told The Federalist. “Without them, he couldn’t have won, and with them, he won by approximately the same margin he did in 2016.”
According to The Federalist’s analysis of…
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