by Kipp Jones at The Western Journal
That uninviting outer fencing around the U.S. Capitol will reportedly come down in the coming days after it’s made a mockery of the principles this country was founded upon for more than two months.
Acting House Sergeant-at-Arms Timothy Blodgett issued a memo on Friday announcing that the Capitol architect and the U.S. Capitol Police together “will remove the outer perimeter fencing around the Capitol complex sooner than initially anticipated.”
CNN reported that the move could come as early as this weekend, said Blodgett. The man told lawmakers that “there does not exist a known, credible threat against Congress or the Capitol Complex that warrants the temporary security fencing.”
The exercise in political theatrics was anticipated to last until the fall of this year. Without a boogeyman, apparently people who aren’t covetous of power made the decision to end the charade.
Following the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, which was an ugly day in this country’s history — no matter which side of the political aisle you sit on — that fencing was erected around the building complex’s perimeter.
Democrats and other opportunists seized upon the building incursion to achieve their political ends. Washington, D.C. became a militarized zone filled with troops sleeping in parking garages while people who wanted to view the beauty of our nation’s capital instead saw an area that looked like Baghdad.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was essentially given what appeared to be her own private army while politicians demanded a physical barrier to protect them — as they’ve simultaneous denied the rest of us border security and a wall.
Many troops remain to protect lawmakers from a threat that doesn’t exist: conservative insurrectionists.
Buzz words such as “insurrection,” “sedition” and “treason” have been tossed since January by elected Democrats and the liberal media. These people, by and large, aren’t exactly patriots. The whole exercise has felt forced by a people who would have likely celebrated had the same building been burned to the ground by leftist rioters…