by Stephen Green at PJ Media
Whether Colorado election fraud is a real problem or not will remain unknown, as the state’s George Soros-backed SecState will permanently ban Arizona-style third-party audits.
Colorado Politics reported on Friday that Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold “is permanently adopting the emergency rules rolled out earlier this summer to block future efforts at an Arizona-style ‘forensic audit’ conducted by a third party.”
How’s that for restoring people’s faith in election integrity?
My office just issued rules prohibiting sham election audits in the State of Colorado. We will not risk the state’s election security nor perpetuate The Big Lie. Fraudits have no place in Colorado. https://t.co/PFLCjJJmZg
— Jena Griswold (@JenaGriswold) June 17, 2021
Left unsaid: Exactly how a third-party audit is either a sham or would put the state’s “election security” at risk.
While Griswold’s rules would prevent potentially shady people who haven’t passed a background check from accessing voting machines, they would also block trusted “third parties, such as the Cyber Ninjas firm brought in by Republicans in the Arizona state Senate,” according to Colorado Politics.
Griswold, a former Barack Obama activist, is one of many Democrats throughout the state receiving generous financial backing from the George Soros family…
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