Adam Bramwell leveraged his credentials as the Senator’s Chief of Staff and General Counsel from 2016 to 2019 to procure the role of Managing Director at the consulting behemoth Mercury Public Affairs.
On August 1st 2020, he registered as a lobbyist for Alibaba, a Chinese company whose founder Jack Ma is a member of the Chinese Communist Party who insisted he was “in love with them.”
In 2015 Forbes reported the “Chinese Government Has A Huge “Stake” In Alibaba” and The New York Times unearthed the company’s “deep political connections of the investment firms, Boyu Capital, Citic Capital Holdings and CDB Capital, the China Development Bank’s private investment arm” in 2014.
The Times also noted Alibaba’s “senior executive ranks included sons or grandsons of the most powerful members of the ruling Communist Party.”
Providing Alibaba with the expertise gained at taxpayer expense in the Coons office is egregious in light of the Chinese Communist Party’s human rights abuses and assault on American jobs.
The hire, however, is made exponentially worse coming amidst the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, where millions have died as a result of the Chinese Communist Party spawning and spreading the disease while withholding vital information from the World Health Organization and the world writ large.
It also casts Bramwell’s dealings with China while in Congress in an interesting light; why would the Chinese Communist Party knowingly hire a lobbyist they felt had attempted to thwart the regime’s attempts to overtake the U.S. to assist in the areas of “technology policy issues,” “access to US capital markets,” and “issues related to e-commerce”?
Perhaps Bramwell’s extensive ties to Coons – dubbed by Politico as “The Biden whisperer” – are the reason why…
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