I was there: three years ago tonight, Friday, August 11, 2017, was the apex of the Alt Right: a typically imaginative resurrection of America’s torchlight procession tradition, taking the Left completely by surprise and provoking hysteria among liberals. But the next day, August 12, the Alt Right’s court-approved Unite The Right rally was brutally mugged by a gang of paramilitary, elected, uniformed, media and (later) robed Democrats. And this turned out a dress rehearsal for the anarcho-tyrannical nation-wide insurrection now taking place: Antifa violence; official complicity; police paralysis (unless arresting anyone trying to resist); all protected by tightly-controlled Narrative of Legacy Media lies. Maybe President Trump’s peculiar passivity will pay off at the polls. But to me right now ,it looks like Charlottesville 2017 was the beginning of a successful Communist coup against America.
In Chicago, Portland, and other cities around the country, chaos grips the streets. At the same time, governments and their chosen instruments are cracking down on law-abiding Americans’ rights to own guns, speak online, and defend themselves. Naïve normies wonder why Americans aren’t rising up to defend themselves and their heritage. They forget that nationalists already did that at Charlottesville and the state destroyed them.
The Unite The Right rally was such a disaster because both organizers and attendees failed to anticipate that state and local officials wouldn’t protect the demonstration—much less that city officials, including the police chief, would deliberately incite violence, according to the city’s own independent report.
Furthermore, once police got the “state of emergency” that they wanted to shut down the demonstration, they didn’t restore peace at all but instead let a sprawling melee break out all over the city, directly causing the James Fields tragedy. In the aftermath, nationalist demonstrators had the book thrown at them; Leftists were let go and lionized by journalists.
It’s hard to blame anyone for this. It’s certainly never happened in my lifetime before.
Antifa and other troublemakers correctly drew three conclusions.
- First, local governments will not enforce the law against them.
- Second, journalists will cover for them.
- Third, the state will crack down on anyone who tries to stop them…