by Sasha Stone at Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning
Nothing has made me not want to be a Democrat more than “Sweet Caroline’s” letter to her cousin.
With the exception of RFK, Jr., I never want to have to listen to anyone in the Kennedy family ever again. They have been surfing on the Kennedy name for decades now in underserving ways, up to and including these baseless attacks—personal and ugly—against RFK, Jr. the day before his confirmation hearing.
Did it really have to go all the way to little pets in a blender? To talk of violence? To calling him a predator? Her hysteria mirrors the same hysteria shared by everyone on the Left now. There is no doubt that hysteria will play out tomorrow.
It is that hysteria, and that disconnect from the reality of everyday life in America, that has wrecked the once great movement of the Left and very nearly wrecked this country. And it is exactly the reason I left the Democrats and have done everything I could to take them out of power.
Did they care when children were being told they could choose their own gender and were sent down the path of puberty blockers and surgeries only to wake up with bodies that don’t work, mutilated by the so-called experts Caroline Kennedy has put so much of her faith in?
She might see Trump…
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