by Nick Moseder at Nine Foot Nick’s Newsletter
We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Covid-19 was used to rig the 2020 election. Everything from the alteration of election laws in states like Pennsylvania, to allowing people to list themselves as indefinitely confined in Wisconsin. The greatest crime in American History happened on November 3rd 2020, and Covid-19 was the lie that allowed it to happen. Now of course we’ve all speculated that “they’re going to do the same thing in 2022” and with election season right around the corner, I do believe we’re beginning to see the writing on the wall.
…It’s coming!
Mind you, I don’t have a crystal ball and I cannot predict the future. But, what I do know is that the Democrats are polling in the toilet, and without utilizing the same mass scale mail in ballot scheme, coupled with drop boxes, ballot harvesters, and massive ballot dumps at 3AM, they will be absolutely demolished. In a free and fair election, we would certainly see a “Red Tsunami” the likes of which we have never seen before
So, logic would tell me that the people in power are going to do EVERYTHING they possibly can to prevent that from happening. And keeping the Covid-19 lie alive is the only way they can pull it off. I have a feeling, we’re about to see them RAMP UP THE FEAR PORN and pull out every single trick that they have at their disposal!
And why the hell wouldn’t they?
Despite the fact that we’ve LITERALLY had video evidence of Ruby Freeman pulling ballots out from under skirted tables, and despite having evidence literally coming out of our ears for 15 months, they’ve (so far) successfully pulled off a rigged presidential election without a single person being held accountable for it.
So why stop there? Why not go for broke? Especially when everything is at stake! A red wave would not only mean losing power, but impeachments, investigations and prosecutions! And they can’t afford to allow that to happen.