Law enforcement officers have to consider if looters “needed” the stolen merchandise before charging them, according to new guidance issued by leftist lunatic Diana Becton, the first-term Contra Costa County District Attorney supported by George Soros, the far-left, anti American billionaire.

Just to show how whacked out she is, when a couple painted over the Marxist Black Lives Matter (BLM) message on the street in front of the Wakefield Taylor Courthouse, the office of the District Attorney in Contra Costa County, Becton, charged them with a “hate crime.” Stealing is fine so long as the thief needed what he stole, but painting over a Marxist group’s propaganda message is a hate crime. Only in the minds of Democrats.
Here’s the statement where the Contra County DA’ office charged the couple with a “hate crime.” A hate crime!
How crazy is it that as looters are caught stealing things while BLM riots are taking place in the same exact county, Contra Costa County’s District Attorney has a completely different take on how to apply “justice.” Rather than charging them with a felony, this Soros-funded DA is asking for police officers to consider if the looters “needed” the stolen merchandise before arresting them…
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