By Daniel Bobinski
California has been mostly absent from the discussion of election law violation, but new information reveals that wording legally required to be on its ballots was missing, in direct violation of its own state law. This means the ballots should not have been cast or counted, yet California certified its ballots, anyway, and thus illegally cast its electoral votes for Joe Biden.
Let’s be clear about something: Our nation’s founders tried for years to work out their differences with England’s King George. But George was a tyrant, and a war broke out that lasted eight years. After that war, our founders avoided creating a government that was ruled by a man—they decided to be governed by laws.
Unfortunately, we now have states ignoring their own state and federal election laws, and by disregarding these laws, their election results must be nullified. Either that, or we’re no longer a country governed by laws.
California violated its own election laws
In California state law, the election code is titled “Division 13. BALLOTS, SAMPLE BALLOTS, AND VOTER PAMPHLETS.”
In Article 1 of this code we find Election Code 13200, which reads as follows:
“Ballots not printed in accordance with the chapter [Chapter 3] shall not be cast nor counted at any election.”
That’s straightforward English. It’s at the 9th-grade reading level, so assuming California’s election officials can understand it, here it is one more time, with emphasis:
“Ballots not printed in accordance with the chapter [Chapter 3] shall not be cast nor counted at any election.”
When we read a little further, we find Section 13205. Since we’re talking about the election of the President and Vice President, we’ll look at the applicable subsection:
13205 (b). In elections when electors of President and Vice President of the United States are to be chosen, there shall be placed upon the ballot, in addition to the instructions to voters as provided in this chapter, an instruction as follows:
“To vote for all of the electors of a party, mark the voting target next to the names of the presidential and vice presidential candidates of that party. A mark of the voting target next to the name of a party and its presidential and vice presidential candidate, is a vote for all of the electors of that party, but for no other candidates.”
In other words, by California law, the paragraph quoted was supposed to appear on all California ballots. And remember, according to Section 13200, “Ballots not printed in accordance with the chapter [Chapter 3] shall not be cast nor counted at any election.”
And guess what? According to data collected by the American Independent Party in California, those words did not appear on ballots in 53 of California’s 58 counties.
In the remaining five counties, ballots required additional wording that is outlined in California Election Code 12305 (c). Some of those county’s ballots included the wording from section (b), but ballots in all five of those counties were still missing the required wording from section (c).
This means 100 percent of California’s voting was conducted in complete violation of its state election laws.
If the United States is to be a country governed by laws, none of the ballots from California should have been cast nor counted. It’s right there in California state code. Thus, all of California’s ballots are invalid, they cannot be officially counted in the state’s vote totals, and California’s electoral college votes must be invalidated.
Naturally, some will say, “Oh, c’mon, it’s a just a technicality.”…
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