by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
The next war will not come from foreign soil, it is about to happen based on a great awakening in the heavily corrupt and manipulated voting system in the United States. The battle is about to happen right here on our soil.
BIG PICTURE – United States Attorney General Merrick Garland is pre-positioning assets from the DOJ and FBI [LINK]. Simultaneous to this, the U.S. military leadership is purging patriots and putting all service members under surveillance [LINK]. These two factual events are directly related.
In the background of these maneuvers Big Tech and Corporate Media have been instructed to push the “domestic extremist” narrative; and any truth-tellers are considered subversive and against the interests of the U.S. government. The January 6th DC protest is being used as evidence for that narrative. Deplatforming, censorship and ultimately control of voices who would warn of the larger issues continues daily.
Let me be very clear… stop and hear the drums… Something is about to happen.
POINT ONE – Even before the November 2020 election there were groups of patriots who knew mail-in ballots were a tool toward an objective, the 2020 Presidential election. Anyone with a lick of common sense, and the vast majority of readers right here on this website, knew that deployment of mail-in ballots was going to be the largest unknown variable in the 2020 election. The DC-based apparatus was all-in. This was the big one.
POINT TWO – There is data, massive publicly available geolocation data, available for purchase. As you know data is the currency of the Deep State (U.S. Intel Community); however, insofar as the intel community uses federal authority to control data (at taxpayer expense), there is also a massive amount of data in the hands of private groups and individuals that can be legally purchased.
As a consumer you know your cell phone data is used by private industry commercially to sell you stuff and provide services. That is one type of data that is available for commercial purchase. The feds have access to that type of data at their fingertips, and indeed they use it often illegally to circumvent fourth amendment protections. But that type of data is also available for purchase; the issue is the cost. Big Data requires a lot of money to purchase and then even more money to create the technological systems to use the data effectively.
♦ Put the two points above together and…
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