Uploaded by Arizona’s Family (3TV/CBS5)
Since the 2020 election, Arizona’s voter rolls have been questioned through numerous lawsuits. Cases have been dismissed over and again. Yet, today we learn from Arizona’s Secretary of State Fontes that their may very well be a serious programming error from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) when registering potential voters.
Fontes explains the error in a press conference held today in Arizona. Here is his opening remarks:
“Doing the right thing can be hard. And while my administration may have inherited this mess we will face the challenge of making it right head on. The motor vehicle division and its systems were not communicating appropriately and correctly with the statewide voter registration system. This, you could say programming error, error in business logic has been happening for approximately 20 years. And in that time something in the neighborhood of 98,000 persons in Arizona have been granted a voter registration status that they may not be entitled too.”