by Brian Lupo at The Gateway Pundit
Last weekend, The Gateway Pundit reported on a discrepancy that was reported in one precinct in Dallas County, Tx and later discovered in numerous other precincts. LeadStories decided to “fact check” that story, to which we responded. In our response full of first-hand witness testimony contradicting their claims, they deferred to fact-checking the certification dates on their system.
In that regard, we can only go by what the Texas Secretary of State has listed on their website regarding certifications, which should be updated with each new certification for each election, but has not been since 2020. Sounds familiar. ES&S responded this morning to our request for documents by simply telling us the certification date of May 31, 2022. We have since requested the actual certification and accompanying documents.
LeadStories did not address witness testimony that their poll pads, poll books (at least they got something right) were adding voters at the end of the night and did not balance with the handwritten ledgers, contrary to claims made on the Dallas County government website.
Now we have data that evidences more issues with poll books, this time in Virginia. The EPEC and has discovered through data obtained through the Dept. of Elections that up to 23% of in-person early voters were checked in at impossible times. This effected upwards of 156,576 potential votes out of 520,549.
According to…
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