Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked a bipartisan effort to enlarge the COVID relief bill to $2,000. President Trump supports the enhanced relief package. As a consequence, in justifying his maneuver McConnell did something we are all too familiar with. It is time to expose the Decepticon game again; this time people will accept.
[POTUS Tweet Link – Washington Post Link]
At first blush you might ask yourself why Mitch McConnell would block this bill and put the Georgia special election senate races in question. He just handed Georgia democrats an atomic sledgehammer. However, what most people do not understand is how McConnell works; being in the minority position is not adverse to his interests. McConnell operates with a Machiavellian strategy, so we will explain.
Senator McConnell said the $2,000 bill would be attached to two other POTUS priorities including (1) section 230 reform, and (2) a request for congressional review of the 2020 election fraud, both have been requested by President Trump. This is how Mitch McConnell justifies; this is how the GOP will defend his decision; the creation of a false dichotomy is how McConnell works. But watch what he is really doing.
McConnell admits in his floor testimony the three stage bill will take time to assemble. In essence he admits publicly the $2k, 23o reform and 2020 election review committee will take longer than the January 5th Georgia runoff. So he is admitting the toxic political issue of the $2,000 denial will exist to benefit the democrats in the race. Accept this.
Once you stop being a battered conservative; meaning once you accept that McConnell knows he is creating a dynamic that supports the GA democrats; then you move to the question: ‘why would McConnell take an action that would put him in the minority?’
On its face the question seems absurd; however, it only seems absurd because people don’t understand the schemes in the upper chamber, the Senate, under Leader McConnell and Leader Harry Reid before him. The institution of the Senate requires a voter to understand the shell game. The pea is never where you think it is.
Defenders of the Decepticon schemes rely on our inability to understand a hidden agenda; a secret agenda… However, with more eyes now open this outline will start to make sense.
First, McConnell doesn’t care about holding a majority position in the Senate. Whether he is a majority leader or a minority leader doesn’t matter to McConnell. In fact McConnell’s political skill-set does better in the minority than the majority.
The preferred political position for Mitch McConnell is where he has between 45 and 49 republican Senators, and the Democrats hold the Majority with around 55. Of course with Senator Harry Reid’s retirement, this would now imply Majority leader Chuck Schumer holding office.
Why does McConnell prefer the minority position?
The answer is…
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