We cannot let the very important Supreme Court confirmation fight, brought to us by the recent passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, distract us from another, crucial fight that should command our attention before Election Day: the integrity of our elections.
We would do well to not lose sight of all the cheating that the Left is planning to do with the aim of stealing the election. They are not even being shy about their plans, just attempting to put a thin veneer of “legality” on all of it so as to make the poison go down a little smoother.
Take, for example, what took place recently in Michigan. In a case regarding mail-in ballots and deadlines (supported by none other than Marc Elias of Perkins Coie/Fusion GPS infamy, and who, we should add, is working for the Biden campaign), Michigan Court of Claims Judge Cynthia Diane Stephens decided unilaterally and arbitrarily to turn Election Day into “Election Weeks.”
That’s right: the “Honorable” Judge Stephens decided that any ballot postmarked by 5 p.m. on November 2 could be counted for up to two weeks after Election Day. In essence, what she did was legislate from the bench that ballot harvesting in Michigan is now legal.
Ballot harvesting, a practice that is rife with fraud, allows party activists to manipulate and steal votes as they go around collecting them from the various people who requested a ballot but may not have turned it in themselves.
If you think this Michigan ruling is egregious, it pales in comparison to the recent ruling in Pennsylvania that says mail-in ballots without proof of being postmarked by November 3 can still be counted. The ruling states: “Mail ballots will now be accepted if they are received by 5 p.m. on the Friday after the election and were postmarked by November 3 or there is no evidence to suggest they were sent after Election Day. Previously, mail ballots had to be received by 8pm on Election Day.” (Emphasis added.)…
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