by The Expose Staff at The Expose
Hundreds of thousands of Canadian’s are getting the third dose of a Covid-19 vaccine every week, but the latest Government of Canada Covid-19 data shows that 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths are now occurring among double and triple vaccinated Canadian’s, with the latter accounting for the majority of those deaths.
However, just a few weeks prior the double / triple vaccinated accounted for just 7 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths. Is this evidence that the third dose is simply not working and possibly making things worse?
The Canadian Covid-19 figures are produced by the Government of Canada (see here).
Their latest data is available as a downloadable pdf here.
The Government of Canada is publishing its official Covid-19 data in a way that makes it appear Canada is very much experiencing a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’, and that the Covid-19 vaccines are clearly effective. But this data is a fraud…
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