by Russell Bentley at CovertAction Magazine
he following letter has recently been widely distributed via email to the main international journalists working in the areas of Donbas not under Ukrop/NATO control.
Below is the letter, followed by my comments on it.
Please read this text carefully. I need the helping hand of press people for a wide coverage.
This April, I was embedded in an international expert group as a forensic specialist. It was intended to work in the Ukrainian town of Bucha, in the vicinity of Kyiv. The locality has suffered heavy fighting of the Ukrainian and the Russian forces since late February.
I was working at the sites where civilians were executed—a terrible tragedy that left us all speechless. No one doubted that those crimes were committed by the Russians back then. Even now, many believe that the Russian soldiers were the perpetrators. However, over the course of our investigation I discovered that a NATO nation’s intelligence agency had obtained videos of the incidents in Bucha.
These videos completely expose the Ukrainian military as responsible for the killings of the civilians and confirm the Ukrainian Armed Forces have made fake video evidence to frame the Russian side. They record the extra-judicial executions of civilians. The servicemen, in Ukrainian BDU uniforms, shot the unarmed locals to death and then proceeded to position the bodies on the ground. These videos are now classified. The authorities do not seem to be inclined to go public with them.
Indeed, though this could harm our Ukrainian allies, I, personally, find it impossible to participate in fabricating fakes and provocations. I call upon you to do everything you can to spread the word. Journalists must investigate this issue and tell people the truth. Please, go ahead and file official requests to the relevant governments and the UN. Don’t let them cover for Kyiv. Unfortunately, I cannot reveal my name and cannot act openly for safety reasons.
The first thing is that the information in this letter is hardly news. The irrefutable proof that it was Ukrop Nazis who committed the murders of civilians in Bucha has been published by responsible journalists all over the world, months ago already, though of course it was censored and deleted by Western media. [See CAM article on Bucha here]
I too have seen the videos and screenshots of the videos showing Ukrop soldiers…
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