by Yalensis at Awful Avalanche
Dear Readers:
Today I have this short piece by reporter Dmitry Zubarev. As we have heard, Russia is doing a “partial mobilization” of her army, which will be needed to (a) finish the job, and (b) defend her new borders against NATO incursion.
In the Russian Republic of Yakutia (way out there in the Far East, near the Arctic Ocean), there dwells a man who goes by the name of Alexander Avdonin. His title is Military Commissar. And this is what he had to say: “All citizens of the Russian Federation, who are called up for mobilization, will serve under the same terms as contract soldiers. They will receive the same compensation [as contract soldiers], namely starting at 205,000 rubles per month, or greater, depending on their duties and rank.”
The mobilization will begin by calling up, first, young men who already served not longer than 3 years ago and who are, thus, familiar with the ways of military life.
Avdonin: “This call-up applies to all citizens who are able to serve and who do not have a legitimate reason to postpone their service. The call-up and collection of citizens will take place in Yakutia. Later we will dispatch the lads to their military units. Everything is proceeding according to plan.”
Avdonin adds that the draftees will be told…
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