by Andrei Martyanov at Reminiscence of the Future
Larry posts Mr. Smith’s excellent summary of NATO. It is short and to the point. It is also brilliant, enjoy it at Larry’s blog:
Clarity is a gift. Then Larry explains a strategic miscalculation of the West.
Well, the idiot Brzezinsky who prescribed a lot of catchy geopolitical BS to the US, never understood a simple fact of the chessboard, of which he pretended to know something, while being clueless, that even the pawn can mate the opposition when supported by proper heavy figures. But then again, can you imagine explaining the whole framework of geopolitical realities to a political “science” major from the US “academe”? There you go.
But not to be outdone, Germany does this:
Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) has arrived in Kyiv for an unannounced visit. According to a spokesman for the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Pistorius met the Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov in Kyiv on Tuesday. Resnikov posted a photo on Twitter showing him with Pistorius and a model tank, and wrote: “The ‘first’ Leopard-2 has arrived in Kyiv.” Older Leopard 1A5 Main Battle Tank received. At least three battalions should be equipped with it by the first or second quarter of 2024, he said. A little later, the Ministry of Economics and Defense announced that Germany approved the export of up to 178 Leopard 1A5 main battle tanks to Ukraine. “How many Leopard 1A5 main battle tanks will actually be delivered to Ukraine depends on the necessary repair work,” the statement said. “Der Spiegel” and Reuters had previously reported.
This is Leopard 1A5.