FREEDOM FIGHTER COURT VICTORY! Ends masking, shots, quarantine in Alberta!
This is vital to know, share, and follow Patrick’s lead.
Aug 03.21
Deena Hinshaw Vs. Patrick King
Patrick King was fined $1,200 for violating the Alberta Public Health Act for being in a group larger than 10 on Dec 05.20 in Red Deer, Alta.
In court on May 04, 2021, Patrick produced information needed to request, to support a good plausible defence. The material Patrick requested was ‘isolation’ of the SARS-COV2 virus. Patrick wanted it isolated not in a lab setting, nor in a PCR test that is over spun.
Patrick was supposed to be in court May 18. As a self representative, the judge had to advocate for Patrick and steer him in the right direction, at which time the judge allowed Patrick to subpoena Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health for Alberta. Patrick’s defense was that he needed proof of ‘isolation’ of SARS-COV2 virus from Deena Hinsha, which would give her the science to back the Alberta Public Health Act.
Stew Peters: In other words, prove to me that a pandemic exists. Prove to me we are all going to die and this thing is raging out of control at. If that was the case Patrick was willing to wear a mask.
Three days later a police officer showed up at Patrick’s home to notify Patrick his court case was cancelled. Patrick called the court house and got it re-scheduled. Subsequently, Patrick was subpoenaed by Deena Hinsha’s lawyers requesting Patrick appear in court in less than 24 hours. This is called ‘procedural violation’. You cannot serve a subpoena less than 24 hours before court time.
Patrick showed up in court the next day and called ‘procedural violation’ to which the judge agreed. Patrick requested adjournment that was declined. Patrick reiterated this was procedural violation at which point Deena Hinshaw’s lawyer spoke up and said “Well your honor, Mr. King is requesting evidence we cannot get”.
CMOH Has No Material Evidence … to provide Mr. King for his defence, which basically means everything Patrick requested in Schedule A i.e. ‘isolation’ of the SARS-COV 2 virus that needs to be 100% isolated in order to base scientific facts on these public health acts, you don’t have material evidence for this, and they said “No.”
The statement read ‘Her Majesty the Queen Vs. Patrick King.’ The accuser is now the Queen and Patrick gets to address his accuser.
07:00 mins Patrick reiterated that the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Alberta, Ms. Deena Hinshaw, and Alberta Health Services, and the Alberta provincial government do not have the material evidence he requested for the isolation of SARS-COV2. Jaws dropped on both the court stenographer and clerk.
Stew Peters: This is so simple. Patrick King taught the world exactly what individuals need to do to liberate themselves. It’s an uphill battle because of compromised, corrupt judiciaries. END
In his closing remarks Patrick thanked the judge, thanked the crown prosecutor, and thanked attorney generals from Ottawa who showed up for a $1,200 ticket. He thanked them for teaching him everything needed to be the loudest, proactive advocate for everyone in Canada, North America, and the world because now we know exactly what you are doing to us. We have it on record, we have the proof.
They got Patrick on a jurisdictional challenge because the judge advocated for Patrick to subpoena Deena Hinshaw without telling Patrick which direction to go. Patrick used a justice of the peace to sign the subpoena when it’s a judge who needs to sign a subpoena not a justice of the peace. So they got Patrick on a jurisdictional challenge and violated his rights in doing so. Another process is now required that Patrick is unable to discuss.
They made a point in Patrick’s case to reference the ‘Rooke Vs. Alberta’ case where they summoned everybody who violated any of the covid rules. They await determination on thousands of tickets and summons. Patrick laid the foundation for every one of those court cases to go the way Patrick’s court case went.
What needs to be done is EVERYBODY FILE A CHALLENGE AGAINST PUBLIC HEALTH ACTS in your province, state, where you are located. The judge has no recourse but to subpoena government officials responsible for this. This way we get them all on the stand…
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