by Raheem J Kassam at The National Pulse
Harrowing footage from Australia reveals police enforcing lockdown laws with all the fervor of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. The images we watched out of China – at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic – are now being replicated on the streets of Western nations.
After 35 people were killed in the Port Arthur Massacre in 1996, the Australian government moved swiftly to ban pump-action shotguns and semi-automatic rifles. While – as Matt Palumbo notes – the number of guns in the country actually failed to decline all that much in the proceeding years, the types of guns available to the public along with the groups of people owning them prove the importance of America’s Second Amendment.
Per the University of Sydney, “the proportion of Australians who hold a gun licence has fallen by 48 percent since 1997,” and “the proportion of Australian households with a firearm has fallen by 75 percent in recent decades.”
It’s not much use, in the face of authoritarianism, to have a prevalence of handguns owned by a small section of society. Congressman Matt Gaetz made this point in a Fox News interview in 2019, rattling the cages of the pseudo-fact checkers whose gloating words are now staring them right back in the face.
“Nobody would suggest that in the United States we would want Australia’s solution. There they went and confiscated all the guns. You know who did what Australia did? Venezuela. And now their people can’t fight back when they are having to fight their way out of a socialist dictator.”
– Rep. Matt Gaetz, 2019
Indeed the left media has gloated about disarming Australians for…
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