by Larry Johnson at A Son of The New American Revolution
When I saw this headline today I assumed it was from the Babylon Bee (a terrific satirical blog)–Russia May Only Have 14 Days. Nope. It was Newsmax. Here’s a snippet from that article:
“The Russian military may only be able to sustain the fight in Ukraine for another 14 days, the Daily Mailis reporting.
The newspaper, attributing the information of U.K. defense sources, said that after two weeks the Russian forces may struggle to hold the ground they captured in Ukraine.
The sources maintain the Russian army is on the run. And the sources claim the resistance in Ukraine should be greater than the invading force within 14 days.
If you believe this nonsense please send me your name and address. I have a bridge to sell you in Kiev. Here’s the reality–there is a No Fly Zone over Ukraine and it is imposed by Russia.
This article is so absurd and out of touch with reality that it must be addressed. I will start by asking two questions:
- How many times in the last 19 days has a Ukrainian regiment or battalion engaged a comparable Russian unit and forced the Rooskies to retreat?
- How many times in the last 19 days has Ukrainian artillery or fixed/rotary wing aircraft attacked a Russian military column and destroyed it?
Answer to both–NONE. ZERO. ZIPPO. ZILCH.
Let me put this into perspective–it took the “mighty” U.S. military machine 3 weeks to capture Baghdad while having air supremacy and facing a demoralized, ragtag Iraqi Army. Boy, we pushed out our chests over beating up those little kids.
Consider what Russia has done. They have seized territory greater than the size of the United Kingdom. The Russians did that in less than three weeks. They have now surrounded Kharkiv and Kiev. They have cut off what remains of the Ukrainian Army in the eastern half of the country and are destroying them. The Ukrainian Army no longer has the capacity to function as a modern Army. Those Ukrainians who chose to continue fighting will do so as insurgents or guerrillas.
Russia has decimated the Ukrainian Air Force and its ground based radars and its combat airfields. Russia is now in de facto control of Mariupol (a key Black Sea port) and is moving on Odessa.
Russia also destroyed a key Ukrainian military base in Western Ukraine near the border of Poland–Yavoriv:…
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