by Helmholz Smith at A Son of the New American Revolution
(Personal note – I love the Internet because all this nonsense is so easy to find. I remember that all this crap is out there but I forget the details. But the Net remembers and I can find it quickly. Anybody remember when Putin died and his body double took over?)
Fast forward six months and what are we looking at? Tough winter for Britons. Hard winter for Europe. Ten terrible winters to come. Supply chains collapse. Record Euro zone inflation. Germany’s energy options dwindling. US food prices rising fast. “Sitting On A Tinderbox.” But cheer up – we don’t care what you think and suck it up!
Who could have possibly foreseen this? Who could have imagined that sanctioning the number one exporter of wheat, two of the biggest exporters of potash, the number one gas exporter, the number two oil exporter and a big exporter of things you’d never heard of could rebound on the good guys?
What would some Putin-paid conspiracy-theory dis-informationist have said back in those fun times so far away now?